Last month we received a letter from the Upstate New York Better Business Bureau, informing us that we are 2010 Torch Award recipient. This award, achieved though a rigorous application and judging process, honors businesses for their ability to demonstrate the highest standards of customer service, community involvement, adherence to truthful and honorable business practices and outstanding reliability. Four companies where chosen for this year’s Torch Award, out of the fifty county area served by the Upstate BBB.
“There’s simply no replacement for good old fashioned honesty and business ethics,” said David Polino, Better Business Bureau President. “Today’s consumers need the support of reliable customer service, and commitment to business principles that make each buying experience positive. These businesses have maintained their operations through tough economic pressures, and continued to offer excellence for the consumer, contribute to their community, care for their employees and demonstrate true reliability.”
“Being a recipient of the BBB Torch Award confirms what we already knew: that doing the right thing in all aspects of our business really pays off in the long run”, said Sharon Coates, Vice-President of Zaretsky and Associates, Inc. “Just going through the application process had its benefits, and reminded us how fulfilling creating a well rounded company can be.”
Bruce Zaretsky, President, added, “Being acknowledged in this way should prove to all businesses, large and small, that profits are not the main focus of a truly successful business. We’re happy to be a profitable company, but even happier that we do it in an ethical way.”